If you have a friend or loved one that appreciates good spirits, take their gift beyond a bottle of their typical pour and surprise them with their own mini oak barrel. Small, American oak barrels can add character, smoother body and richer color to any spirit that benefits from aging, such as whiskey, bourbon, tequila, rum, wine and more.
It's common for spirits that have aged longer to be more expensive on the shelf. Hence, one's preferred taste may beyond budget and we only get to sample the 'good stuff' on special occasions. What's great about these smaller barrels is that the surface ratio of oak-to-spirit is much greater, so what may take years in a large barrel used in distilleries will only take a few weeks to a couple months in a mini barrel. So this gift can allow your friends to age their favorite spirits quite quickly, on a budget, and can be re-used for years.
Provide them with the gift of better booze, decorative centerpiece and a hobby.